Kumpulan Soal Elliptical Sentences. My little sister takes English course every Wednesday. Read the following sentences.
The words so too are usually used to combine two sentences that have different subjects but. Elliptical sentence atau yang sering disebut dengan ellipsis atau construction adalah penggabungan dua buah kalimat yang memiliki unsur sama dengan tujuan untuk membuat kalimat majemuk dan menghilangkan pengulangan kata yang tidak diperlukan. Yes she is John is a smart student and - a.
Kali ini KBI akan memberikan pengertian beserta contoh soal elliptical sentence.
Do not use the terms when your sentences are negatives. If I have lots money I will go around the world Present tense - future If it rains I drive present tense - present If the man comes go present tense - imperative sentence Type 2. Elliptical sentences Atha was not absent yesterday and neither was Huda Atha tidak absen kemrarin dan Huda juga Dua kalimat yang berjenis kalimat positif affirmative sentences yang mempunyai jenis kalimat majemuk I will. The words so too are usually used to combine two sentences that have different subjects but have the same predicate or complement.